Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark

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Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark Empty Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark

Post by NaomiM December 1st 2013, 10:26 pm

Scandinavian? Gouda, maybe?

Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark Dscn9311

Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark Dscn9313

Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark Dscn9314

Last edited by NaomiM on November 30th 2015, 10:25 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark Empty Re: Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark

Post by Redware December 2nd 2013, 5:28 pm

Hi Naomi, if it's Ü then I would narrow it down to German speaking country or Sweden, not sure if they use "umlaut" in Holland but it doesn't look like any Gouda mark I've seen.

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Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark Empty Re: Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark

Post by NaomiM December 2nd 2013, 9:10 pm

Cheers Redware. I think you're right about the U. It strikes me as more like a Swedish piece rather than German, but that's just a feeling.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark Empty Re: Small blue lidded pot with cane handle - Riisa Denmark

Post by big ed December 3rd 2013, 12:47 pm

I thought It looked Danish , but apparently they don't use Umlaut or Dieresis , but they do have a company called Riisa , so worth looking in that direction , Riisa Denmark .
big ed
big ed

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